Thursday, June 5, 2014

Red Flag Journal 6-5-14

How much time did you spend on your project?
This week I spent a total of 5 hours on my project.

What did you do that was hands-on?
This week I made a lot of progress. Bella and I finished the routine and worked on cleaning it. Cleaning a dance means that you go step by step to make sure you and your partner are doing the exact same movement in-sync. I also had to change up the music a tiny bit so I worked on cleaning that up as well. We met at the Y again last night and made great progress.

What research did you do?
I went on Youtube and watched a couple dance videos this week. I have the links posted at home, but I was searching for an idea about how to end a dance. Turns out, it clicked in my head and we have a great ending to our dance.

Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
No meeting with a mentor this week.

Do you have at least 3 journal entries? Do your journal entries include planning, recording activities, and reflecting?
I have the minimum of three journal entries this week. They describe my hands-on work that I accomplished this week, as well as my hard work that I put into cutting the music and finishing the piece.

Were you in class on this week? Did you have and use your journal?
Yes I was in class this week, but I did not use my journal. The activity in class was more a use of hand-on activities such as evaluating Tyler.

Do you think your fulfillment of WISE requirements was: Inadequate? Adequate? Good? Excellent? Explain.
I am so proud of what I did this week! Although one duet my not seem like a lot of work over the course of 16 weeks, but you have to understand the different skill levels Bella and I are at. This being said, it was very challenging to choreograph certain moves that would look good on both of our abilities. A duet is also one of the most difficult pieces to choreograph in the dance world because in a group dance, it is easier to hide someone in the back say if they didn't know the choreography. However, a duet is much more complicated because two people are shown at all times and if they are not always perfectly together, than that may look very strange.

What are your plans for next week?
I plan on finishing up the paper due for next week, as well as having one more rehearsal time for Bella and I. It will be the last rehearsal before we have to perform so it is mandatory! I am also going to start on my power point presentation and gather all my bibliography's at home and make a works cited!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bella Cullota

This is a photo of Bella with her stage makeup on. Although it may look like a lot of makeup for such a young girl, it is very important to have dark makeup while being on stage. It allows the audience to see your facial expression as you are performing. Since Bella and I will have a small audience on the day of my presentation, we won't be wearing such heavy makeup. We wouldn't want to scare the audience away! 😉

WISE presentation

After watching Tyler Frike's presentation this past Monday, I learned a lot of techniques that I can use while giving my presentation. Today in class we viewed his strengths as well as his weaknesses. When giving my presentation, I will try to avoid reading from all the sides the given information. Although Tyler had some weaknesses, he also had many positive aspects. I really enjoyed the way he connected his stock market investing project to his family. When he have personal stories about him and Matt it made it way more personable and funny. Even though the stock market is a somewhat boring topic, Tyler made it interesting with his charisma and his charm that won the crowd over. 

Dedicated dancer

Bella and I are finished! We successfully finished our routine for my project. The dance is absolutely gorgeous. As I was dancing full out today it felt amazing, and I could tell Bella was feeling it as well. She has gotten so used to the style of dance I have portrayed to her that it makes me so happy! Her movement is so flowy and light and looks so elegant as she moves across the floor. I'm so happy she got to do this with me. Today we also danced to the cut version of the music which went super well. The music was clean cut and crisp and sounded awesome. Not only did Bella have a rehearsal with me, but she had a five hour long dress rehearsal right after mine. Hair, costume, the whole shabang! I did her makeup for her which I'm going to post on my next post as well as her hair. I'm so thankful to have Bella to count on. She really came through for me. Not only did she attend every rehearsal, she also had a great time which is the best part of this whole experience! I'm so so happy with the outcome. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Red Flag 5-29-14

How much time did you spend on your project?
This week I spent 8 hours working on my project.

What did you do that was hands-on?
This week, I spent a majority of my time figuring out how to cut my music for my dance. I've cut music before, but I wanted certain parts of the lyric to be in a different place of the song, so figuring that out took me awhile. Easily, I spent four hours working on it. My cousin bought me a tutorial type thing to help me cut music four years ago, and I never really opened it or tried to do it, but I used it for this and it was awesome!

What research did you do?
I spent time researching whats the best music cutter like that, I have the website documented at home but I didn't make a blog post about all my research yet. I plan on getting that all together soon because I have the information at my house.

Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
I still have not met with Mrs. Pearl. I'm nervous to talk to her.

Do you have at least 3 Journal entries? Do your journal entries include planning, recording activities, and reflecting?
I only have 2 journal entries this week so far. On the 7-8 hour bus ride for the Senior Trip, I plan on getting a lot of blogs done instead of sleeping or staring out the window.

Were you in class on this week? Did you have and use your journal?
I was not in class this week.

Do you think your fulfillment of WISE requirements was : Inadequate? Adequate? Good? Excellent? Explain.
Although it may not look like it from my lack of journals, but I am feeling very accomplished and ready. Bella is really grasping the idea of my choreography and it makes me feel very productive. It is hard to document certain things that happen in the dance studio, it's more of a watching and learning type deal. I have had so much fun doing this dance, I'm so glad that I chose this for my WISE presentation.


Bella and I had a very nice rehearsal yesterday. We discussed the performance and the aspects that go along with it. We decided on a costume, and we believe we know what we want to wear. I decided that we both should wear red. This red with symbolize the evil in me because I want Bella to do everything that I do. I figured she should start out wearing red as well during the whole lyric when it says "I feel lovely" because this states that she is not certain whether or not she is actually beautiful. Until the lyric changes to "I AM lovely", she will then take her red dress off as a symbol as independence. I think she should be wearing white underneath the red. The perfect part of this all is that I have all these costumes from previous dances, so reusing these will be the perfect thing to do!

Monday, May 26, 2014

The surprise

As I mentioned in my last blog, I got a nice visit from Bella's mom during our last rehearsal last week. She usually waits in the car upon Bella's arrival, but I feel that she was very interested in what was going on and what magic was being made during that rehearsal. She came up, and it was unexpected to me. I've known Bella and her mom for quite some years so to me it wasn't awkward. She quietly creeps in with a smile on her asking if she is allowed to watch. I thought this would be a fantastic idea. Performing in front of an audience that you're comfortable with is always a good idea to get you prepared for the real show. I thought this might help Bella prepare too, seeing that she is a little nervous to perform in front of some of her school peers. She watched and gazed in awe as we moved across the floor. Bella's mom as always referred to me as a role model to Bella, so seeing me improve some of Bella's dancing really made her happy. She thought the dance was beautiful and she was very proud of what we accomplished. I think Bella's moms visit really gave me assurance that I was doing the right thing, and doing it well! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Red Flag Journal 5-22-14

How much time did you spend on your project?
This week I definitely spent more time doing hands-on work with my project then usual. I spent at least 8 hours on my project this week. This involved figuring out costumes, hair, length of dance, choreographing, driving etc.

What did you do that was hands-on?
This week, like I said above, I spent a lot of time on my dance and figuring out key elements to make it come alive. While Bella and I were working on our dance, we had a surprise visit from her mother. Usually, Bella's parents pick her up at 4:30 after our rehearsal and wait in the car, but her mother came up and watched.

What research did you do?
Honestly, I got lost in my project this week. I had so much fun teaching Bella and hearing what she had to say, that it really made me think in my head that this is exactly what I want to do with the rest of my life. Research was slim to do gazing in my thoughts of the future in hopes to be the best dance teacher possible.

Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
I'm a little nervous to ask Mrs. Pearl to help me out as a mentor. The reason being it is the end of the school year and I just feel silly so late in the game coming up to her just to ask for some help while I know shes probably stressed out to the max when it comes to figuring out grades and other end of the year stresses.

Do you have at least 3 journal entries? Do your journal entries include planning, recording activities, and reflecting?
This week I did not have the minimum journals. However, my reflection on Bella was adequate because she really made me stop and think last night. She really gave my confidence and reassurance that dance is truly my passion.

Where were you in class on this week? Did you have and use your journal?
I was in H-courtyard during class this week. Bella and I decided that to use our maximum productivity, we should use our free periods to finish the dance as well. Even if we just have a hallway, dancers have learned to adapt to tiny spaces. We both have 5th and 6th free which I figured out the other day which is awesome.

Do you think your fulfillment of WISE requirements was : Inadequate? Adequate? Good? Excellent? Explain.
This week I thought my requirements were good, but could of been better due to lack of blogging and research.  

What are your plans for next week?
I will have the music cut by the next rehearsal, as well as have the costumes ready!

"Out the Rut"

7 things I want to accomplish in the next week:
1. Get a form signed to use Kulp for my presentation space
2. Finish my duet
3. Talk to Mrs. Pearl about mentor
4. Research more things about diet and how that reflects a dancer
5. Start on my Essay
6. Start making slide show presentation
7. Get a collage of pictures together to show the progress of my dancers

5 things I should talk to about my project:
1. Talk to a lighting crew from the musicals to see if they can help me out with lights
2. Talk to the guy in Kulp to get permission
3. Talk to the other five girls who aren't as involved with my project as I would hope.
4. Make a CD with a cut version of the music.
5. Find a costume for Bella and I.

3 things I should talk to my mentor about:
1. Will you be a mentor to me?
2. Can you help me with filling out a form?
3. How do I begin to reserve a space?

7 things I want or need to know more about:
1. Do I talk to Ms. Tino about lighting?
2. How long should my duet really be?
3. Should we wear a similar costume, or portray different roles?
4. How should we wear our hair?
5. Will this story be effective to audience members?
6. Should I invite family to my presentation or will it make me more nervous?
7. Research about who is most likely to dance a certain style.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wise with words

Working with Bella for the past couple weeks has truly been amazing. She has taught me so much even though she is so much younger than me. She suggest so many ideas that brings such joy to me because she's actually taking my project and kind of making it her own experiment as well. It makes me proud of her to know how wise she is. She suggested that I use my movements to make a more forceful act on her. This will demonstrate and portray the controlling character I play in the dance. For example, I move her arm and force it to go the way I want to demonstrate that I want her to be the way I want her to be. She had truly brought a new since of recognition to song lyrics to my head and  I'm so proud of her! I feel like she also has truly taken in my corrections to her and applied them to her dancing. Teaching her new skills has truly been a pleasure to my eyes, and I can't wait to show off her skills as well as mine during my presentation. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Red Flag journal 5-15-14

How much time did you spend on your project? 
This week I spent a total of 7 hours on my project. From driving to the Y, spending 4 hours choreographing my dance, and watching old dance videos on my computer to get ideas, it took me 7 hours this week. 

What did you do that was hands-on?
This week I choreographed another 30 secs of my duet with Bella. We also worked a lot on technique this week. Bella is currently on recreational dance at TNJ, meaning she doesn't go to competition. This doesn't hurt her, but doesn't really benefit her either. The time she gets to work on stretching, leaps and turns is limited, so me helping her out works out great.

What research did you do?
No new research this week. By the end of the week I really wanna focus on the different body types of different dancers.

Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
No mentor meetings this week. I'm trying to figure out the mentor situation.

Do you have at least 3 journal entries? Do your journal entries include planning, recording activities, and reflecting? 
I had three, one of them didn't load from my computer, it was a video of a production number it was so cool. I think it is on my computer still. These entries include my hands-on work with Bella at the Y. 

Where were you in class this week? Did you have and use your journal? 
This week I was in H with my journal most of the week. I also was talking to most of my dancers about future plans.

Do you think your fulfillment of WISE requirements was: Inadequate? Adequate? Good? Excellent? Explain.
I think my requirements were excellent this week! Working with Bella went very well and we got really far on the duet. I feel very accomplished this week! 

What are your plans for next week?
Next week the group is going to meet so we can sit and talk about the date of the performance. I wanna make sure no one has testing so it won't  be a conflict. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Working on technique

Bella and I met today to keep going on with our duet. We added another 30 secs onto the dance and we are almost done! We have also worked on a lot of things she wanted help on. Such as her splits, her jumps, and overall flexibility! Here are some photos of her making this happen! 

The whole group

Today is finally the day where I get to meet with all my girls and finish the dance. The Y is a designated space to practice given that I know the combination code for the music room. I can't wait. I've had some challenges though. My current studio is such a different styled. Mainly based on modern and ballet while all my dancers have a concentration in jazz. I used to dance like that very well, but adapting to my studio has caused my body to train as a modern dancer. This affects my ability to fully choreograph to my "jazz ability" I hope the girls aren't too uncomfortable with the style I am about to throw at them! Good luck girls, you're in for a challenge! 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Red Flag 5-8-14

How much time this week did you spend on your project? 
This weeks I spent a total of 5 hours on my project. 

What did you do that was hands-on?
This week I finished choreographing my duet with Bella. All that is left is choreographing the group. 

What research did you do?
I looked up the lyrics to both the songs so I could have the dancers and well as my blog viewers to really grasp a better understanding of the dance as they correspond with their movements.

Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
Mentor meetings have been a struggle and I don't really meet with her. It's a hard connection between the two of us, one her being new, and second the conversation tends to get vague and awkward!

Do you have at least 3 journal entries? Do your entries include planning, recording activities, and reflecting?
Most of my entries included my research with the song so far this week. The week isn't over, so I still have things to blog!

Where were you in class on this week? Did you use your journal?
This week I was in H talking to some of the dancer explains how we couldn't meet this week. This weekend is competition which is the biggest time of the year for me! So preparation is a must:) they didn't mind because they are all dancers so they get it.

Do you think you fulfillment of WISE requirements was Inadequate? Adequate? Good? Excellent? Explain. 
I think the requirements was good this week. I could of done a lot more with my project but my hectic schedules mislead me to get off task. 

What are your plans for next week?
Next week I plan on teaching Bella the rest of our duet that a finished, and continue on the the group dance as well! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Latching on

This is the group dance that I'm choreographing. Here are the lyrics to understand the song and the movement I will be using! 
(Never [3x])

You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down (never)
You, you enchant me even when you're not around (never)
If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down (never)
I’m latching on, babe, now I know what I have found (never)

I feel we're close enough
I wanna lock in your love
I think we’re close enough
Could I lock in your love, baby?

Now I got you in my space
I won’t let go of you (never)
Got you shackled in my embrace
I’m latching on to you (never)

Now I got you in my space
I won’t let go of you (never)
Got you shackled in my embrace
I’m latching on to you (never)

I’m so encaptured, got me wrapped up in your touch (never)
Feel so enamored, hold me tight within your clutch (never)
How do you do it, you got me losing every breath (never)
What did you give me to make my heart beat out my chest (never)

I feel we're close enough
I wanna lock in your love
I think we’re close enough
Could I lock in your love, baby?
I feel we’re close enough
I wanna lock in your love
I think we’re close enough
Could I lock in your love, baby?

Now I got you in my space
I won’t let go of you (never)
Got you shackled in my embrace
I’m latching on to you (never)

Now I got you in my space
I won’t let go of you (never)
Got you shackled in my embrace
I’m latching on to you (never)
Latching on to you
I won’t let go of you (never)
Latching on to you
I won’t let go of you
(Never let go, never let go)

Lyrics tell the story

Following up on the duet with Bella and I, these are the lyrics to the song. I wanted to kinda pretend as if I were the one controlling Bella and telling her the girl she needs to be. Even though she wants to be her own person, I control her until she realizes she can be her own person. She feels lovely all the time, but the shift at the end of the song tells the story that she is confident in herself and is lovely as she states, " I am lovely." 
I don't wanna be her
I just want to be little old me
Shouldn't have to think
Who am I suppose to be today
And what give you the right
To tell me who I should be
Who gave you that right

Cause I, I feel lovely
Just the way that I am
Yes I feel lovely
The way that I am

I know you want the best
Yeah only good things for me
But you have to realize
I can't be all these things you project on me
Cause I'm beautiful to me
Doesn't that mean a thing
I feel lovely
Just the way that I am
Yes I feel lovely
The way that I am

I need that to be enough for you
Need that to be enough for you
Cause it's enough for me
It's enough for me

Am I suppose to give up everything I am
Just to make you happy
I thought I was the one you
Always wanted me to be
It turns out I'm just little old me
I'm just little old me
And that's fine by me

Cause I, I am lovely
Just the way that I am
Oh yes I am, 
Yes I am lovely
The way that I am
I am lovely lovely
I am lovely

Monday, May 5, 2014

Happiness revisited

1. When do you feel most happy?
I feel most happy when I dance. It brings out a certain emotion that is indescribable but I know fills me with joy. I know it makes me happy because I have a passion for it, and I know I could dance all day if necessary. 

2. React and respond to article 
I really enjoyed this article. It had me confused at first because I wasn't sure about the chart on the first place. But I figured out that when your challenges are in the middle and your skills are low, you have low flow channel. When your challenges are in the middle, and skills are in the middle, your at perfect production. When your challenges are high and skills are high, your bored. 

3. Where are you on the flow chart?
I think that my challenges meet my skills at a perfect production. During my project it has changed because at first my challenges were very high as well as my skills so I was really bored. But as my project went on, I started to get in the flow channel in the tunnel of light.

4. How can you achieve flow? 
You can achieve flow my having a good source of time management. That being said, you need to learn to balance time and productivity.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Red Flag Journal 5-1-14

How much time did you spend on your project?
From driving to the Y, choreographing the dance at home, choreographing at the Y, looking up song choices for the duet, and reserving space, I've spent a total of 7 hours this week. 

What did you do that was hands-on?
This week choreographing the dance was a big hands on part. I was not expecting to choreograph the duet but that was definitely my biggest challenge doing it on the spot. 

What research did you do?
This week I looked up songs that would be age appropriate for the freshman and I  to do the duet! 

Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
I did not meet with my mentor this week. 

Did you have at least 3 journal entries? Do your journal entries include planning, recording activities, and reflecting? 
 This week I only had two journal entries. They talked about my hands-on tasks when I choreographed the duet with Bella. The other entire was the class assignment to listen to the podcast and respond. 

Where were you in class on this week? Did you have and use your journal?
This week during class time I spent it trying to save space at the Y in order to use the dance studio. They gave me the combination to the lock that has access to the music stereo. It's pretty cool that they trust me that much with high quality equipment. 

Do you think your fulfillment of WISE requirements was: inadequate? Adequate? Good? Excellent? Explain.

This week I thought I did a pretty good job making up a dance on the spot. Later in life it is going to be a main necessity to do that in jobs. It will help a lot to know how to do that in the future so I'm proud of myself!  In college, that will be a main assessment as well! 

What are your plans for next week? 
Next week I plan on meeting Wednesday again to go to the Y! This time it will be finished for real and here on out we can just practice practice practice! 


Last night was another night filled with rehearsal. I thought this time that everyone could attend, but turns out everyone had last min plans. Only one girl could make it and we met in H- courtyard after school. She told me she had a great idea. I was curious on what this idea could be and how it would affect my vision. Bella, the young girl with the amazing thoughts, and I used to dance together. I always had a close bond with the little ones and in particular, her. We've never been able to dance in a group together because of our age, and as well parting through new studios. That being said she asked if I could choreograph a duet for her. And I looked at her and said " Bella! Who is going to be the other person." She looked at me with a great smile on her face and said " you Mac, I wanna dance with you." Everything in my head bounced into place and I thought, what a great idea. I've always wanted to dance with her and now my senior year I get the chance to do so. We went to the Y last night and I choreographed a duet to the song Lovely by Sara Haze. It is about a girl who is constantly told she is not beautiful but by the end of the lyrics she realizes she really is. This duet is already coming along smoothly and it's almost finished. I can't wait to finish it with her!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Red Flag Journal 4-24-14

How much time did you spend on your project?
This week I probably have spent a good 6-7 hours on my project.

What did you do that was hands-on?
This week I got 3 of the 5 girls together and we all drove up to the YMCA. It ended up working perfectly in my favor in that i got to use the dance studio for space in order to practice my routine. We went to the Y around 4 and stayed all the way til 6:30. I choreographed the first half of the dance in that short amount of time. The girls loved it, and they can't wait to learn more!

What research did you do?
This week so far I haven't done anymore research than changing the song. this required looking on Youtube and choosing a song of my liking. Other than that, no other research because I feel that I have most of what I need.

Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?
I meet with my mentor tomorrow, no discussion yet this week.

Do you have at least three journal entries? Do your journal entries include planning, recording activities, and reflecting?
I did my journal entries last week for this week. I did a total of six journal entries over break so they would carry on to the  next week. They include learning many things from Towson University. Not the best school for dance, but still the college experience that I will be applying to myself in the fall. It was so interesting learning some new things, such as evaluating a dance piece using certain types of words like " I was intrigued by the way...." The comp 1 teacher taught us that the word like is not always the most proper one to use. She tried to get us to get out of our comfort zone which is kinda what WISE is all about!

Where were you in class this week? Did you use your journal?
This week honestly I didn't use class time to work on my project. I mainly used outside of school time like yesterday after school!

Do you think your fulfillment of WISE requirements was: Inadequate? Adequate? Good? Excellent? Explain.
This week I thought that my production of my project was great. I think I'm finally starting to have fun with this. Yesterday was so much fun trying to figure out different movements to put in the piece and what looks best on the girls. It makes it easier too that 4 out of the 5 come from the same studio so they look more like a team! The 5th girl catches on very fast so she has no problem either. Overall, I would say this week my fulfillment of my WISE requirements was excellent because I finally started having fun.

What are your plans for next week?
Next week, I plan on meeting the girls after school Wednesday again at 4. All the girls can attend this time so lets get this dance choreographed.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Today in class, we listened to a podcast about a man going outside his comfort zone. This relates to all of out projects because we need to be able to reach outside a certain field of comfort in order to expand in our project. Staying inside your comfort zone allows no ability to grab some ideas outside the box and learn new things. If you stay in your comfort zone, your productivity level will decrease. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blinded by the White

Currently I am watching my friend Niki perform in a dance shoot with a friend. They are playing around with windows trying to get the effects of the white background to contrast with their hands. There are photographers here as well as a choreographer. They are playing around by dancing in and out of the frame of the camera. This will help me with my project because it will allow me to see the bigger picture of movement through dance, which will help me tremendously while staging my piece in Kulp at Ithaca high school. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I'm choreographing my piece in the Towson black box. This vacation has actually been very beneficial in that I have been working more than relaxing. I decided to do it to the song latch by Sam and disclosure. And instead of making it a huge group dance, I have decided that only a few dancers have come through so I will make it a small group. I'm so excited the dance is great right now! The dancers will be Bella a freshman who dances at The Next Jennaration, Leigha, also a freshman from The Next a jennaration, Brenna, a junior from The Next Jennaratipn, Deja, a senior from The Next Jennaration and Rose, a senior and former dancer with Ithaca Academy of dance. We will be starting Wednesday after break:)

Dancing with limitations

This is a photo of dancers from Towson University using their space wisely. As three different groups fight for their spot, they try to make the best of it. Every semester, an upper-classmate is required to choreograph a piece given specific dancers. They are not allowed to pick the dancers they want, but they are assigned under classmen. This is hard because they are required to choreograph a piece consisted with dancers of all different shapes, sizes, and levels. It is hard to make a piece look unified when this happens. Watching these rehearsals will help me with my project because it will demonstrate how to handle choreographing with all different styles and levels of dance.

Rehearsal space

Sitting in the black box theater at Towson University, I'm watching as three different groups are performing their routines. It's funny because their situation relates to mine in a way. They are all trying to use a tiny space provided by the dance department. This relates to me in which it is hard to find space for rehearsal use. In the dance world, you kinda have to make due with what you have and go with the flow. The tiniest of spaces matter when trying to rehearse your piece. They also only have one source of music outlet. They all have to share a cord to plug in for their computers and all use one sound system. The dance world brings many challenges but I'm ready to take them all on!

Monday, April 14, 2014

College Ballet

This morning I took what seemed liked the longest ballet class of my life. I attended a 1 hour and 50 mins ballet class that consisted of hard technique from a special guest who is based in Germany. He was an older man who had wisdom that made our thoughts go wild as we tried to keep up. I struggled learning this new style,  but managed to hold on with a smile on my face. He taught me many new things that I hadn't learned before. When you pull up to do a turn, he demonstrated that our body is based off three points that make a triangle. Our shoulders and our crotch. Yes sounds weird, but actually is very smart and helpful. And once we go to balance on one leg, that leg becomes our axel, and we need to pull our shoulders over top of that leg to maintain the balance. This helped me a lot to figure out how to teach my dancers how to turn and it will be very beneficial and easier to comprehend. Can't wait to pass this on the girls in Ithaca.

Towson University

I have been given this amazing opportunity to take classes at Towson University in Maryland. I am visiting my friend Niki and she is a dance major here. I have gotten so much inspiration here! It is crazy. I am watching her rehearsals thinking to myself wow that looks great and that looks clean and really interesting... Remembering I can be on vacation but also get ideas for my project.  This piece she is in involves rose petals. It starts in a little circle and blooms into a full garden. The piece looks amazing. I have learned so many new techniques to use in my dance, and I can't wait. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Red flag Journal 4-3-14

How much time did you spend on your project? 
This week I spent a total of 5 hours on my project. I'm almost done choreographing the dance, and I spent a lot of time in the studio doing so. I also used this week to learn more technique from all my dance teachers

What did you do that was hands-on?
This week I again choreographed the dance, almost finishing it!

What research did you do? 
I interviewed my dance teacher again, asking him what's the best way to get a dance completed. He gave me great trips and ideas. For example, he told me to split the groups up by age, that way no one would feel like they were less of a dancer by their skill. He told me to choreograph based on maturity which I thought was a great piece of advice. 

Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about? 
This week I gave Cheryl my blog URL and told her that we could work well together if she stayed on track with my blog and what I'm doing week by week. I told her if I had any problems that I would go to her ASAP.

Do you have at least 3 journal entries? Do your journal entries include planning, recording activities, and reflecting?
 I did in fact have three journals this week. They included showing the reader what it's like to lift with a partner demonstrated by pictures, and the other two included recording activities about my hands-on research done in the studio.

Where were you in class on this week? Did you have and use your journal? 
This week I did not work on my project during second period at all. This whole week I worked on my project after school and while I was at dance and had a free moment. I also got opinions from my dance peers, which was really great because they are all amazing dancers

Do you think your fulfillment of WISE requirements was: Inadequate? Adequate? Good? Excellent? Explain. 
This week I felt like I really jumped a step. By going to someone who really knows dance, it helped me a lot especially with someone who I feel comfortable with. They shared a lot of techniques with me that I can use not only for my WISE project, but for my dance career in the future.

What are your plans for next week?
Next week I am for sure getting the space together. I am going to talk to the main office today 5th period so I can get this all figured out. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


After practice today I was exhausted. I learned so many new things from my dance teacher as well as tried my hardest to perfect my dance. I finished my solo, and it made me realize how much work it takes to get a dance done and done well.  It is hard with one person to get the job done, think about 10 and up! 


These are pictures that demonstrate lifting and the strength required to make it possible. The top photo is of me and my good friend Thomas from two years ago. The picture after that is of Brooke Brown and Chase Benjamin last year at the age of 13


I'm currently on my way to my dance studio in Vestal New York. A great place to make ideas come to perfection. As well as running my competitive solos, I will be taking the time to use the floor to practice my routine for my project. My dance teacher Mikey Perkins will also assist me in teaching me new steps to pass on to my other dancers. Aside from choreography, I will be learning new techniques to improve my own skills as well as others.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Red Flag Journal 3-27-14

How much time did you spend on your project?
This week I spent a total of 5 hours on my project. I spent my time choreographing my dance while I listened to the music trying to figure out different parts of the choreography. 

What did you do that was hands-on?
This week, I went to the YMCA to go to the dance studio. I spent a while in the studio making up a dance for my dancers

What research did you do?
Again, I looked up different dances on youtube trying to bring some creativity into my dance.

Did you meet your mentor? What did you talk about?
I met with Cheryl briefly at the end of 6th period. I have her my blog URL so she can start reading my process! 

Did you have at least 3 journal entries this week? Did they include recording, planning activities, and reflecting? 
 This week I had 5 journal entries that involved different stretches, poses, and emotion throughout dancing. I tried to explain how to express emotion through dancing!

Where were you in class on this week? Did you have and use your journal?
This week when we had class I used that time to choreograph my dance. I blogged while I looked up info for my project.

Did you think your fulfillment of WISE requirements was: Inadequate? Adequate? Good? Excellent? Explain.
This week I thought my work pushed me more to get my project done. After reflecting in the WISE project barnsong, I realized how little time I actually have to do what I love.

What are your plans for next week?
Next week I plan on teaching the dance to my dancers at the High schools dance studio! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

This video demonstrates the art of becoming flexible. The human body was ment really for the purpose to walk and move in one fluid motion. Flexibility requires a lot of hard work, and also takes a while to master. I have been dancing for 15 years and I'm still not where I need to be! Drink lots of water, and let's get flexible! 


My performance of "Broken Promise" choreographed by my cousin Sarah Fazio. This piece meant a lot to me. It told the hardships of a divorced bride as she must find the courage to move on and realize no woman needs a man to complete her. This dance was special because it told the story of my cousin and her divorce. Being able to tell a story through motions is a beautiful work of art. No matter what style of dance you are portraying, you always tell a story. The beauty of dance lays beneath our emotions. While teaching the girls my up-coming number, I can teach them that lyrical is not the only style to be emotion, but jazz can also tell a story through your facials and characterization of the piece.  


This is a modern partner weight sharing pose done by the beautiful Delaney Dupuy and Lucas Lyons. Wow, that's gotta take some strength!


The space is still not to my availability, but I hope soon I can be in the studio working with my dancers! I have also gained more dancers who want to participate! This makes me very excitement. A woman and her daughter came up to me as I was at work at Regal Cinemas. They introduced themselves, but I sort of knew who the girl was. She attends Ithaca and she is a Junior I believe. She told me that the word was spreading about my dance project and everyone was so excited to see what I would come up with! She kindly asked if she could be a part of the production. Of course I said yes! One more dancer means more more more! Her mother seemed excited for her daughter to be a part of it as well! She dances at Ithaca Ballet, a prestigious ballet studio with incredible technique! Can't wait 


After watching the documentary of the WISE project barnsong, I've learned many different things about completing my project. I better understand the hard work and dedication it takes to complete your project with such detail. I understand now how little time we have to work with what we love. Barnsong truly showed the independent work of a student and how much he went through to make each element of his project to the fullest. I wonder how people really chose what they want to do. Some people chose either a skill they have practiced for a while, but some people also chose something that they have never came into contact with. In comparison to Barnsong, my work is a lot easier to me. Dance comes natural to my mind, and it's easier for me to come up with a routine on the spot then to cut wood, start up a tractor, and lift heavy objects. My goals are to complete this dance in the next 10 weeks which will be easier than building a barn for sure! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Red Flag Journal 3-20-14

How much time did you spend on your project?
This weeks i spent five hours on my project. I have been meeting with different people throughout the school to use some sort of space where I can choreograph the dance and meet with dancers.

What did you do that was hands-on?

This week, I showed a couple of the dancers my plan for the dance and how I want to do it. I also let some dancers here the music by emailing them the song so that they could get a feel of what they are going to be dancing to.

What research did you do?

I looked on youtube to see if I could find some dance moves that I want to incorporate into my routine. I also looked up a couple stretches that would help the girls be more flexible and prepare when it comes to learning the dance. At the high school, we also have a dance class during 7th period. I went and checked it out and they were doing modern. It seemed really interesting and I know I have someone in the school close by to talk to about dance if I have any troubles which is really nice!

Did you meet with your mentor? What did you talk about?

I met with my mentor quick this week. We went over the basic jobs and tasks of being a mentor since Cheryl is new to this program at IHS. I gave her a folder and we talked about all the things she needs to carry out being my mentor.

Do you have at least three journal entries? Do your journals include planning, recording activities, and reflecting?

I do have at least three journal entries that include panning, recording activities, and reflecting. I discuss mostly the problems and issues I have been having with Ithaca High School, and being able to use the dance studio here for practice. Whats the point of having the studio here if no one is allowed to use it?

Were you in class on this week? Did you have and use your journal?

I was in class this week. We used our journal to do an entry about the WISE project from a couple years ago called Barn Song. Other than that, I have not used my journal because I am blogging.

Do you think your fulfillment of WISE requirements was: Inadequate? Adequate? Good? Excellent? Explain.

This week, I think that I could have done a little more hands-on work with my dance. It has been really difficult to find a spot to work. I have filled out a couple different forms that have to be approved by the school. I am also in the process of finding a supervisor to keep an eye out for us as we practice. I have been considering asking the dance teacher here at the school. I haven't had time to really discuss things with her because I didn't want to interrupt her class.

What are your plans for next week?

Next week I will start the dance and have a space ready! I'm checking every day about my form I submitted so I'm crossing my fingers!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Finding a space

Finding a space to practice can be challenging. Especially when you have young girls who can't drive yet. I was trying to hold it at the YMCA, but it cost money for all the dancers to get in. I can't ask for the girls to pay five dollars everytime we have a rehearsal. So I've tried to ask Island Fitness where my grandfather works to use to dance studio up there, but that doesn't seem like a possibility either. Ithaca high school is troubling. I have asked to use the Gym, the Multipurpose room, kulp, and the dance studio. Every space here at the high school requires a form filled out, and a superviser. Which all isn't a big deal, but the hard part is trying to find someone who will actually stay for an hour and watch over us reckless young teens. I'm trying my best! Wish me luck

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Getting started

So far, scheduling times to meet with the girls has been a struggle. It's pretty challenging when everyone has a different schedule when it comes to dance, school and other extra curricular activities. We have managed to set two different times and dates for the up coming week. It has been fun trying to pick out a song to go well with the styles of dance. I went with an upbeat jazz pop song, that has a bunch of different songs mixed together. I cannot wait to start and choreograph! This is my speciality, bring it on:) 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Throughout my research, I have found a couple books that will help me along the way will choreographing this routine. The novels, Modern Dance, and an autobiography about how dance changed a persons life will help me bring creativity into my production. The autobiography will show me struggles of being a dancer and how to overcome them. I hope that during my hands on work that I can teach someone a skill they have always wanted to master. Such skill will include Flexibility. I will work on this with a dancer by giving them certain exercises like gravity splits to help them become more flexible. I will tell them how long to hold the stretch and how often a week you should do it. I also hope that I can teach the dancers to be loose and learn that dance is the majority about having fun. Sure, technique is a big part of the number, but having fun with the movements truly makes the piece come alive! In the next two weeks, I hope that I can collect a team of dancers from all the different studios in Ithaca such as IAD, Armstrong, Ithaca Ballet, and The Next Jennaration.

Journal 1

Dear reader,
       I am so excited to start my project with my interest in dance. My goals are strong in hopes to pass on my wisdom of dance to my fellow peers around me. I hope that I can recruit all the dancers in IHS to be a part of my journey to make my first production come together. I am afraid that everyone's overall skill level, and different styles of dance will affect the vision in my head. I am interested in this topic because I've danced since I was a little girl and it runs in my blood. My cousin is a professional choreographer and I've watched her choreograph a 10 min routine with 180 people in it within 3 days. If you ask me... That is near impossible with my knowledge of dance. Now I have less than 16 weeks to perfect a masterpiece, let's get started!